Community Lighthouse Project

Together New Orleans is working to build a network of 85 congregations and community institutions across New Orleans with commercial-scale solar power and back-up battery capacity, to serve as resiliency hubs during power outages and natural disasters.

Here's how it will work:

Learn more about the Community Lighthouse Project here.

The Wall Street Journal covered the Community Lighthouse Project here!


We’re creating a new “we” in our City.

It is an organization of organizations, including congregations, civic institutions, unions and other non-profit organizations that are made up of people.

It is a vehicle for our institutions to be able to act more effectively on their respective missions to do justice and improve our world.

We have three goals:

1) To develop trust across the lines that have divided our community in the past, in particular the line of race

2) To strengthen community leadership so we’re becoming more effective at working together and building a constituency

3) To achieve change on concrete issues, which we identify through small-group conversations we call “house meetings”

We’re organizing our own money, institutions and leaders to build this new “we”. We call it … TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS.

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